BERRIES is a dance photography book by Matthew Rawcliffe, Verity Wright and Anouk Jouanne.
There is a very limited availability of books for UK based addresses only. All you have to do to get your own copy of BERRIES is to make a one-off donation (of any size) to Keep Britain Tidy.
Once you have made a donation, simply email matthewrawcliffe@outlook.com with a receipt of donation and your postal address and a copy will be sent to you.

BERRIES is a photographic essay. It a cinematic telling of a young girls story - it is a hate letter to the political system told through all of our things and memories.
Matthew Rawcliffe is a dance artist from Manchester. Credits include: The Pappy Show Physical Theatre, National Autistic Society, Homotopia, Merseyside Dance Initiative, Betty Nansen Teater and Severn Arts.
Verity Wright is a dancer from Manchester. Credits include: Rambert Dance Company and Jean Paul Gaultier Fashion Freak Show.
Anouk Jouanne is a photographer and dance artist from Iceland. Credits Include: Alice&Synne, Synne Lundesgaard, Ella&Ella and Rich Man’s Slug.

BERRIES funded by Middlesex University Sustainable Campus Initiative with thanks to Hendon Town Hall